Publications by members of WID Virtual Environments by year:
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2024 Publications
- R Tredinnick, K Schloss, K Ponto. Past, Present, and Future Thoughts on Immersive Visualization Laboratories Through the Story of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery Virtual Environments Group. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality 33, 1-12
- J Shin, R Shields, J Lee, Z Skrove, R Tredinnick, K Ponto, B Fields. Quality and Accessibility of Home Assessment mHealth Apps for Community Living: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 12 (1), e52996
- K Zhang, BR Cochran, R Chen, L Hartung, B Sprecher, R Tredinnick, K Ponto, S Banerjee, Y Zhao.. Exploring the Design Space of Optical See-through AR Head-Mounted Displays to Support First Responders in the Field. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-19
2023 Publications
- Ponto, K., Tredinnick, R. D. Systems, methods, and media for hierarchical progressive point cloud rendering. (2023). U.S. Patent No. 11,257,199. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- Skrove, Z., Fitzpatrick, M., Kinney, L., Sprecher, B., Tredinnick, R., Ponto, K., Shin, J., Fields, B., Development of the Augmented Reality Home Assessment Tool (ARHAT): A Qualitative Descriptive Study. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 77 (Supplement_2), 7711500020p1-7711500020p1
- B Fields, MK Fitzpatrick, L Kinney, J Lee, B Sprecher, R Tredinnick, K. Ponto, J Shin. Evaluating the Acceptability and Appropriateness of the Augmented Reality Home Assessment Tool (ARHAT): Qualitative Descriptive Study. JMIR Aging 6, e44525
- K Ponto, R Tredinnick, M Verbeke, K Kopp, L Swanson, D Gagnon. Waddle: using virtual penguin embodiment as a vehicle for empathy and informal learning. Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology.
- K Ponto, R Tredinnick, R Shields, B Fields, J Shin. Utilizing AR as a Tool for Assessing Accessibility in the Home. Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology.
- DJ Gagnon, K Ponto, M Verbeke, M Nathan, K Kopp, R Tredinnick. Waddle: Developing Empathy for Adélie Penguins By Direct Embodiment in Virtual Reality. Joint International Conference on Serious Games, 227-233
- K Ponto, H Deniz, R Tredinnick, B Çağıltay, R Shields, B Sprecher, B Fields, J. Shin. The Benefits of Utilizing Augmented Reality as a Tool for Assessments. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct.
- B Fields, Z Skrove, R Tredinnick, B Sprecher, J Lee, R Shields, K Ponto, J. Shin. THE USABILITY AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE AUGMENTED REALITY HOME ASSESSMENT TOOL (ARHAT). Innovation in Aging 7 (Supplement_1), 1142-1143
2022 Publications
- Ponto, K., Tredinnick, R. D., & Smith, S. P. (2022). U.S. Patent No. 11,257,199. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- Padilla, A., Peer, A., Pickett, K., Ponto, K., & Mason, A. (2022, May). Effects of Habituation on Spatiotemporal Gait Measures in Younger Adults. In Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (Vol. 44, pp. S47-S47). 1607 N Market St, Po Box 5076, Champaign, IL 61820-2200 USA: Human Kinetics Publ Inc.
- Ponto, K., & Tredinnick, R. (2022). Opportunities for utilizing consumer grade 3D capture tools for insurance documentation. International Journal of Information Technology, 14(6), 2757-2766.
- Schoenlein, M. A., & Schloss, K. B. (2022). Colour-concept association formation for novel concepts. Visual Cognition, 30(7), 457-479.
- Schoenlein, M. A., Campos, J., Lande, K. J., Lessard, L., & Schloss, K. B. (2022). Unifying Effects of Direct and Relational Associations for Visual Communication. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
- Menendez, D., Rosengren, M. A., Matthews, P., & Schloss, K. (2022). Cues to generality: Integrating linguistic and visual information when generalizing animal facts.
2021 Publications
- Ponto, K., & Tredinnick, R. D. (2021). U.S. Patent Application No. 17/020,371.
- Shin, J. H., Her-Xiong, Y., Tredinnick, R., & Ponto, K. (2021). Toward Understanding Everyday Lives of Older Adults: A Methodological Exploration. The Gerontologist, 61(8), 1241-1253.
- Schloss, K. B., Schoenlein, M. A., Tredinnick, R., Smith, S., Miller, N., Racey, C., Castro, C., & Rokers, B. (2021). The UW Virtual Brain Project: An immersive approach to teaching functional neuroanatomy. Translational Issues in Psychological Science.
- Furrer, R. A., Schloss, K. B., Lupyan, G., Niedenthal, P., & Wood, A. (2021). Red state, blue state: The polarizing influence of color in political maps.
- Soto, A. V., Schoenlein, M. A., & Schloss, K. B. (2021). More of what: does the dark-is-more bias for colormap data visualizations operate on numeric or conceptual magnitude?. Journal of Vision, 21(9), 1960-1960.
- Mukherjee, K., Rogers, T. T., Lessard, L., Gleicher, M. B., & Schloss, K. B. (2021). Mapping a low-dimensional space for color-concept associations. Vision Research, 151, 99-116.
- Bartel, A. N., Lande, K. J., Roos, J., & Schloss, K. B. (2021). On the hole, interpretations of Venn diagrams are influenced by perceptual organization. The American Cartographer, 16, 279-285.
- Bartel, A. N., Lande, K. J., Roos, J., & Schloss, K. B. (2021). A Holey Perspective on Venn Diagrams. Cognitive Science, 46(1), e13073.
- Mukherjee, K., Yin, B., Sherman, B. E., Lessard, L., & Schloss, K. B. (2021). Context matters: A theory of semantic discriminability for perceptual encoding systems. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 28(1), 697-706.
2020 Publications
- Peer, A., & Ponto, K. (2020, March). Measuring Visual Acuity and Stereo Accuracy as Mediated by Immersive Displays. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 219-223). IEEE.
- Kang, H. J., Shin, J. H., & Ponto, K. (2020, March). A Comparative Analysis of 3D User Interaction: How to Move Virtual Objects in Mixed Reality. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 275-284). IEEE.
- Kang, H. J., Shin, J. H., & Ponto, K. (2020). How 3D Virtual Reality Stores Can Shape Consumer Purchase Decisions: The Roles of Informativeness and Playfulness. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 49, 70-85.
- Tredinnick, R., Cors, R., Madsen, J., Gagnon, D., Bravo-Gallart, S., Sprecher, B., & Ponto, K. (2020). Exploring the Universe from Antarctica-An Informal STEM Polar Research Exhibit. Journal of STEM Outreach, 3(1), 1-13.
- Ponto, K., & Tredinnick, R. (2020, March). High-Resolution Interactive Immersive Renderings of Real-World Environments. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (pp. 825-826). IEEE.
- Flohr, T., Sirek, D., & Tredinnick, R. (2020). Creating Virtual Environments in Support of On-line Problem-based Learning. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 386-394.
- Werner, N. E., Tong, M., Nathan-Roberts, D., Smith, C., Tredinnick, R., Ponto, K., … & Hoonakker, P. (2020). A sociotechnical systems approach toward tailored design for personal health information management. Patient Experience Journal, 7(1), 75-83.
- Schloss, K. B., Witzel, C., & Lai, L. Y. Blue hues don’t bring the blues: questioning conventional notions of color-emotion associations. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 37, 5, 813-824.
- Rathore, R., Leggon, Z., Lessard, L., Schloss, K. B. (2020). Estimating color-concept associations from image statistics. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26, 1, 1226-1235.
- Jolliff, A. F., Hoonakker, P., Ponto, K., Tredinnick, R., Casper, G., Martell, T., & Werner, N. E. (2020). The desktop, or the top of the desk? The relative usefulness of household features for personal health information management. Applied ergonomics, 82, 102912
- Ponto, K., & Tredinnick, R. D. (2020). U.S. Patent No. 10,803,561. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
- Sibrel, S. C., Rathore, R., Lessard, L., & Schloss, K. B. (2020). The relation between color and spatial structure for interpreting colormap data visualizations. Journal of vision, 20(12), 7-7.
- Schloss, K. B., Leggon, Z., & Lessard, L. (2020). Semantic discriminability for visual communication. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 27(2), 1022-1031.
- Schoenlein, M. A., Miller, N., Racey, C., Smith, S., Treddinick, R., Castro, C., Rokers, B., & Schloss, K. B. (2020). UW Virtual Brain Project: Assessing Benefits of VR Education. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 1405-1405.
2019 Publications
- Spain, R., Goldberg, B., Khooshabeh, P., Krum, D., Biro, J., Linder, C., … & Pierce, M. (2019, November). Applications of Virtual Environments in Human Factors Research and Practice. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 2308-2312). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Tredinnick, R., Smith, S., & Ponto, K. (2019). A cost-benefit analysis of 3D scanning technology for crime scene investigation. Forensic Science International: Reports, 1, 100025.
- Ponto, K., Smith, S., & Tredinnick, R. (2019). Methods for detecting manipulations in 3D scan data. Digital Investigation, 30, 101-107.
- Tredinnick, R., & Ponto, K. (2019). UniCAVE: A Distributed Rendering System for Unity3D. In VR Developer Gems (pp. 59-70). AK Peters/CRC Press.
- Kinateder, M. Warren, W. H., & Schloss, K. B. (2019). What color are emergency exit signs? Egress behavior differs from verbal report. Applied Ergonomics, 75, 155-160.
- Schloss, K. B., Gramazio, C. C., Silverman, A. T., Parker, M., L., & Wang, A. S. (2019). Mapping color to meaning in colormap data visualizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25, 1, 1-10.
- Peer, Alex & Ponto, Kevin. (2019). Mitigating Incorrect Perception of Distance in Virtual Reality through Personalized Rendering Manipulation.
- Flack, S., Ponto, K. Tangen, T., Schloss, K. B. (2019). Lego as language for visual communication. VisComm: Workshop on Visualization for Communication, IEEE VIS 2019.
2018 Publications
- Schloss, K. B., Lessard, L., Racey, C., & Hurlbert, A. C. (2018). Modeling color preferences using color space metrics. Vision Research, 151, 99-116.
- Schloss, K. B., Lessard, L., Walmsley, C. S., & Foley, K. (2018). Color inference in visual communication: The meaning of colors in recycling. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 3, 5.
- Whiteford, K. L., Schloss, K. B., Helwig, N. E., & Palmer, S. E. (2018). Color, Music, and Emotion: Bach to the Blues, i-Perception, 9, 1-27.
- Tredinnick, Ross; Gill, Erica; Udelhoven, Destinee; Ponto, Kevin; Virtual Reality as an Agent of Preservation,Forum Journal, 32, 1, 22-29, 2018, National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Hoonakker, Peter; Casper, Gail; Peer, Alex; Smith, Catherine Arnott; Tredinnick, Ross; Werner, Nicole; Ponto, Kevin; Healthcare in a Virtual Environment: Workload and Simulation Sickness in a 3D CAVE, Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 281-289, 2018, Springer
- A Peer, P Ullich, K Ponto 2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 653-654
2017 Publications
- Hoonakker, Peter; Casper, Gail; Peer, Alex; Smith, Catherine Arnott; Tredinnick, Ross; Werner, Nicole; Ponto, Kevin; Healthcare in a Virtual Environment: Workload and Simulation Sickness in a 3D CAVE, Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 281-289, 2018, Springer
- Tredinnick, Ross; Gill, Erica; Udelhoven, Destinee; Ponto, Kevin; Virtual Reality as an Agent of Preservation,Forum Journal, 32, 1, 22-29, 2018, National Trust for Historic Preservation
- K Ponto, R Tredinnick, G Casper. Simulating the experience of home environments Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), 2017 International Conference on, 1-9
- Peer, A., Ponto, K., “Evaluating Perceived Distance Measures In Room-Scale Spaces Using Consumer-Grade Head Mounted Displays” 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2017 IEEE Symposium on, (2017) pp. 83-86
- Schloss, K. B., Lessard, L., Racey, C., & Hurlbert, A. C. (online 2017). Modeling color preferences using color space metrics. Vision Research
- Schloss, K. B. & Palmer, S.E. (online 2017). An ecological framework for temporal and individual differences in color preferences. Vision Research
- Gramazio, C. C., Laidlaw, D. H., and Schloss, K. B. (2017). Colorgorical: Creating discriminable and preferable color palettes for information visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23, 1, 521-530
- Tredinnick, R., Boettcher, B., Smith, S., Solovy, S., & Ponto, K. (2017, March). Uni-CAVE: A Unity3D plugin for non-head mounted VR display systems. In Virtual Reality (VR), 2017 IEEE (pp. 393-394). IEEE.
2016 Publications
- Tredinnick, R.; Broecker, M; Ponto, K. Progressive Feedback Point Cloud Rendering for Virtual Reality Display. – Virtual Reality (VR), 2016 IEEE, 2016
- Broecker, M.; Ponto, K.; Tredinnick, R.; Casper G., Brennan P.; SafeHOME: Promoting Safe Transitions to the Home. Studies in health technologies and informatics. Volume 220, 2016, Pages 51.
- Ponto, K., Lisowski, D., Fan, S., “Designing Extreme 3D User Interfaces for Augmented Live Perfor- mances” 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2016 IEEE Symposium on, (2016) pp. 169-172
- Schloss, K. B., Nelson, R., Parker, L., Heck, I. A., & Palmer, S. E. (online 2016). Seasonal variations in color preference. Cognitive Science
2015 Publications
- Patricia Flatley Brennan, Kevin Ponto, Gail Casper, Ross Tredinnick, Markus Broecker, Virtualizing living and working spaces: Proof of concept for a biomedical space-replication methodology, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Volume 57, October 2015, Pages 53-61, ISSN 1532-0464
- Tredinnick, R.; Broecker, M; Ponto, K. Experiencing Interior Environments: New Approaches for the Immersive Display of Large-Scale Point Cloud Data. – Virtual Reality (VR), 2015 IEEE, 2015
- Schloss, K. B. (2015). Color preferences differ with variations in color perception. Trends in Cognitive Science, 19, 554-555
2014 Publications
- Chen, K.B.; Ponto K.; Tredinnick Ross D.; Radwin, Robert G.; “Virtual Exertions: Evoking the Sense of Exerting Forces in Virtual Reality Using Gestures and Muscle Activity”. Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2014
- K. Ponto, J. Kohlmann, and R. Tredinnick. Dscvr: designing a commodityhybrid virtual reality system. Virtual Reality, pages 1–14, 2014.
- Tredinnick, R.; Suplinski, C.; Vanderheiden, J.; Madsen, J., “CAVE Visualization of the IceCube Neutrino Detector” Virtual Reality, 2014 IEEE Conference, April 2014
- Ponto, K.; Chen, K..; Tredinnick, R..; Radwin, R., “Assessing Exertions: How an increased level of immersion unwittingly leads to more natural behavior.” Virtual Reality, 2014 IEEE Conference, April 2014
- Nicolalde, F.D.; Freese, V.; Ponto, K.; Tredinnick, R.; Kinneberg, M.; “Applying Kanban to Healthcare via Immersive 3D Virtual Reality”. 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2014 IEEE Symposium on, March 2014.
2013 Publications
- Radwin, Robert G; Chen, Karen B; Ponto, Kevin; Tredinnick, Ross D; “Virtual Exertions Physical Interactions in a Virtual Reality CAVE for Simulating Forceful Tasks”. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 57, 1, 967-971 2013. SAGE Publications.
- Tredinnick, R.; Ponto, K, “Poster: Say It To See It: A Speech Based Immersive Model Retrieval System” 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2013 IEEE Symposium on, 181-182, March 2013
- Ponto, K.; Tredinnick, R.; Bartholomew, A.; Roy, C.; Szafir, D.; Greenheck, D.; Kohlmann, J. “SculptUp: A Rapid Immersive 3D Modeling Environment”. 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2013 IEEE Symposium on, 199-200, March 2013
- Ponto, K., Gleicher, M., Radwin, R., Shin, H.J., “Perceptual Calibration for Immersive Display Environments” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (2013) v. 19, n. 4, pp. 691-700
- Palmer, S. E., Schloss, K. B., Xu, Z. X., & Prado-Leon, L. R. (2013). Music-color associations are mediated by emotion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 22, 8836-8841
2012 Publications
- Ponto, K., Kimmel, R., Kohlmann, J., Bartholomew, A., Radwin, R., “Virtual Exertions: a user interface combining visual information, kinesthetics and biofeedback for virtual object manipulation” 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2012 IEEE Symposium on, (2012) pp. 85-88
- Ponto, K., Kohlmann, J., Gleicher, M., “Effective Replays and Summarization of Virtual Experiences.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (2012) v. 18 n. 4 pp. 607-616